What Attention Span?

IMG_6030 This morning I did the regular morning things that many moms do, making coffee, tending to the pets and walking past the kitchen sink filled with dirty dishes.  

Because we’re still on summer break, structure at home is lacking, at best. well,  not. I am happy with flexible due dates and plans based on the contingency of good weather and good moods.  There’s no rush to do much of anything unless company’s coming.   

I know I should set a timer and get some things done. Reading email and perusing facebook can be quite a time suck if I don’t limit my time  resources.  But hold on, I’m on summer vacation right?   I don’t have to worry being late for work, or finding the missing whatever for school.  

I go about reading email without limits, and I saw a notice about an upcoming convention. The subject line reminded about a seminar I’ve been waitlisted for, so I opened a new tab for that.  When the webpage loaded there were all kinds of popups and sidebars, and of course one got my attention but but clicking on the link took me right to Amazon, where wouldn’t your know it, a daily deal for a small printer, just what I needed. A printer was the one thing we forgot to send with our oldest child when she left for college earlier this week. The price was appealing but I always check Shopzilla and it looked like Target had the best price so why not just click on that link too?  I opened the Target page so I could put the printer in my cart  but then I realized  I may as well do the pick up order and get more coffee and dog food.  I left the page open as I stood to put my teacup in the sink and it was then that I began wondering if I really needed to send my daughter a printer.

I looked at the dishes which were piled high, even for me. It was then that I realized I’d been very good at wasting the morning thus far and perhaps it was time to do something useful.  I placed my cup on top of the dishes, tossed my spoon on the counter between two cereal bowls and left the room.  If I was going to waste time I might as well waste it at the beach.  

On my desk I noticed my planner and long list of things that needed to be done.  As soon I can I will go back to the kitchen and have a go at the dishes,  but it’s such a nice day, maybe I should take a walk first and clear my head.  Then, I’ll have a healthy(ish) snack, put my feet up and decide about that printer. Â